Monday, 6 February 2012

Looking forward

I've been busy reading all sorts of lovely blogs but not updated mine.So on a rare quiet day I will try and put this right! Christmas was lovely with all my family round and a nice break from work. It seems along time ago now and spring is definitely on the way, snowdrops and crocus in flower and there are buds on my lilac and buckthorn. I had one lovely little rose in bloom until just after Christmas. It is just outside my door and a deep red and flowers until late every year. We have missed the snow here and on my journeys to and from work, I have appreciated the stunning shapes and differing colours of winter. The days are ever so surely drawing out and I felt a little bit of welcome warmth in the sun the other day. The cycle, reassuring in its familiarity goes on once more. Happy Monday to everyone! Janex

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