I’ve been inspired by Elisabeth from Welsh Hills Again to undertake the #100dayproject. The idea is to do something in your garden for 100 days. So today I started, day 1. I’ve lapsed big time with my gardening over the last few years. Time and energy have been sorely lacking. In my younger days my garden was neat and tidy, I worked full time, had my three lovely children and generally ran around without stopping! Now, heading towards sixty life is a bit different. Still working although part time now, looking after an ill father, my sister, helping out with my ninety year old Mum in law but I’m slowing up! I don’t have a big garden by any means but I’ve lost my garden mojo. So this project seemed a good idea to try and get it back. I’m not going to blog every day of what I’ve done but I am going to write daily in my happiness planner given to me by older daughter. I do help in said daughters garden too which is flat and wind swept and I help with tidying and weeding generally. My other daughters garden is 900 metres up the Long Mountain outside Welshpool and a very different garden. Facing North West, North and North East it’s set into the hillside planted with some lovely shrubs and cottage garden plants. But it needs a lot of tending! So I do garden, just not very often in my own!
Anyway today I started, I put the washing out for the first time this year. Sunshine! Does that count as gardening? Well, I opened the back door and went out so yes. Then a bit of sweeping and a look at what’s growing. Not much gardening yet. Anyway, hubby got the lawn mower out and cut the front lawn so we were off. I hoed the front borders, swept up, watered some tulips growing in a pot and felt a lot better. Here’s to day 2 tomorrow. Jane x